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Sermon Notes - 4-9-2023

“Has it Dawned on You Yet?”
John 20:1-18
Pastor George Lawson

Sermon Notes:
1.The Empty Tomb (1-2)
2.The Linen Wrappings (3-10)
3.The Angelic Visitors (11-13)
4.The Risen Christ (14-18)
5.The Written Word (8-9)

Reflection Questions:
1.Mary, Peter, and John had the evidences of the empty tomb, linen wrappings, and the angelic visitors, and it still hadn’t dawned on them that Christ was risen. What is it that they failed to consider? (John 20:9; Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:34; Psalm 16:10; 22:22; Isaiah 53:10)
2.Mary was committed to find the dead body, thinking that is what she wanted (John 20:13). What would be the implications if Mary had found the body of Jesus? (1 Corinthians 15:14-19). What are the dead bodies that you are looking for?
3.After viewing the empty tomb, linen wrappings, and angelic visitors, Mary still weeps. What brought clarity that Jesus was alive? How did Lazarus have a similar experience? (John 10:43-44). What are the implications for evangelism and apologetics?
4.Do we believe in the word of God because we see the evidence or do we believe in the word of God, so we expect to see the evidence? What’s the difference? (Romans 10:17, Luke 16:19-30, 2 Peter 1:16-19)
5.Is it harsh that Jesus told Mary not to cling to Him? See John 16:7. What are the benefits of Christ leaving Mary, the disciples, and this earth? (John 14:1-3, John 16:7-15, Romans 8:34)
6.What is significant about Jesus’ choice of words in John 20:17, “My Father and your Father”?
7.Do you understand the significance of the empty tomb? Recall and reflect on when you came to understand the significance of the cross and empty tomb.
8.How should we respond to those whom we evangelize, who deny that the Bible is God’s Word?

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